Saturday, September 3, 2011

A new FabLab in Portland!

I left work a bit early (4:30, I hope Dave doesn't read this) since it was Friday and a 3-day weekend no less, and decided for one quick refreshing beer (PBR - $1.75) at the Bear Paw tavern right on my way home. It was a very nice surprise to see Kari Freeman there, who had urgent news for me, and not just about her involvement with FIRST robotics and the LEGO League robotics teams. Portland has a brand new fab lab called ADX located at 417 SE 11th Ave near Stark. They have Laser cutters, CNC Routers etc. They are having a big event called Fab Fest on September 17th.
They charge $75 a month to use the facilities, and there are discounted plans for groups. And they have free coffee for members and barbecues every Wednesday.

I think these are my people.

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